Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I really don't like Dora. Break out the name calling but shoot me please. As an explorer, you would think after 5 jazillion episodes she would know where she is going but noooooooo........ Chica can't even find her own house without help from "super map." Ever wish Swiper the Fox would just eat boots? I do. From now on, I'm rooting for broken legs and the alligators.


Anita said...

And am I the only parent wondering what the heck her parents are doing letting her wander around with only a monkey for a companion?! Where's the adult supervision here?!

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

haha - I like Dora - I figure her parents let her wander around in the woods/fields b/c there's no one else but animals that live near her. My question is - WHERE ARE MAX AND RUBY'S PARENTS? and why do they go to the store and on the city bus alone?? and why does Ruby have to put her little brother to bed!?