Friday, April 3, 2009

One of those days...

So, has anyone else had one of those "Okay, I don't know that this one will MAKE it to puberty..." moments? Okay, so this week I've been working on my garden. I dug it, I put the walls together, I hauled the dirt and filled it in. Woo Hoo. In the course of all of this, I pulled a muscle in my neck and back. It's bad enough that I went to the doctor this morning. Not so good when he feels your neck and says Ow. Anyway, so that's where we start. I went to my parents to take the truck back, thinking "No sweat, I'll rinse it out and we'll be good." Well, it rained yesterday. So the remaining dirt basically turned into black cement like sludge in the bed of the truck. I had to dig it all out, then sweep what I could out, then I took it down to rinse it. Again, sludge. Well, the last step is the only one I had to do in the driveway, and the driveway was all black, (just the bottom. I did it so that I would get as little as possible dirty) and at the end, I'm thinking... okay, this water is working so good. The landscape guy had been using a leaf blower before for this kind of job, mom and dad have one, bingo! So, the "shed" has things packed very tightly against the walls. You have to be very careful to get things up and down. I got it down (It's on pegs above my head.) and then I call to see how to turn it on, and they say not to worry about it. (that's another story I won't go into right now. :-) So, I go back in. Well, in order to get around the other stuff to the pegs, you have to kinda do what looks like a pirouette move. So picture me, stiff arms, neck and back, holding up this huge leaf blower over my head, in the pirouette move, and trying to get it back on. Enter Jed, scream in that "my-sisters-hair-is-on-fire-and-the-world-is-ending type scream. "Mommy Mommy!!!!" Of course, I'm thinking something must be wrong, so I freeze in that pirouette stance, blower in mid air, "what's the matter, honey? what's wrong??!!?!?!" He stops, and says "Can I have some candy?" And that's when the moment happened. I think if I weren't hurting so bad, that leaf blower might have left my hands. Good thing. ;-)
Anyway, I hope it gave you a chuckle.


Anita said...

Gave me more than a chuckle - a hearty laugh! The mental picture I have... :)

Shannon said...

So glad you enjoyed it... I figured, that one was BOUND to have others enjoy it, too!