Sunday, May 3, 2009

My son the Ladies Man

Okay, everyone who grew up with us knows that Daniel and I were both flirts. So, it makes sense that our son is one as well. Actually, he goes one step further. Here is the general dialogue whenever a cute little girl comes around. "Mom, she's pretty" then "Mom, I like her" then "Mom, I love her" and during all of this he somehow gets the girl to hold his hand. The child is 4! Anyway, we went to the zoo the other day with my friend Rebecca, and the children that she nannies. The little girls name was Bailey. Within 10 minutes the normal dialogue started. Within a half hour they were holding hands. Anyway, it was all very cute, and I just keep thinking... what on earth am I going to do when he's a teenager?!?!


Anita said...

He's so cute! You might want to keep him away from Kelsey, though. She's already kissing boys and saying who she's going to marry. The other day she got in trouble for kissing a boy who was 3!! (She's 5) Granted, there was a wedding involved orchestrated by the older kids, but still...

Anonymous said...

Hannah, my nine year old, reminded me the other day that she's half way grown...and then proceeded to tell me she'd be a teenager in 4 years. If you find out where the time went, please let me know!


Heather said...

Pray! That's what you're gonna do when he's a teenager. I'm gonna have to do the SAME thing. Ashlyn is also quite the flirt. God bless us all. lol.

Jennifer said...

I know just how you feel. My son is the same way and he is 4 as well. I think that we are in BIG trouble... You got some really cute pictures of the two of them..

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

that is funny....i remember when seth was like that with heather orr's little girl when he was 4. i wish i could have gone to the zoo that day with y'all...let me know if you go again..but give me two days notice!! :)